Council to consider legislation to acquire land for future park use
The Atlanta City Council will consider legislation Monday to authorize the chief procurement officer to negotiate with The Conservation Fund for the purchase of 46 acres of property in Southeast Atlanta at a price not to exceed approximately $1.6 million to provide additional parkland in the South River Forest area (23-O-1230).
The Council will also consider legislation authorizing the City of Atlanta to acquire property known as the Fulton County West End Arts Center at a purchase price of $100 (23-O-1231). The Fulton County Board of Commissioners approved legislation in April that authorizes the conveyance of the property to the City for the continued use and benefit of the public.
Other items on the agenda include:
• A resolution requesting that the Atlanta Police Foundation provide quarterly in-person reports to the Public Safety and Legal Administration and Finance Executive committees (23-R-3551).
• A resolution requesting that the Municipal Court of Atlanta explore the permissibility and development of processes that would permit online payment of fines imposed for low-level marijuana citations (23-R-3426).
• An ordinance authorizing the City to acquire certain easements, rights-of-way, and other property interest necessary for the completion and maintenance of the Monroe Drive Complete Street Project on behalf of the Atlanta Department of Transportation (23-O-1234).
• A resolution authorizing the City of Atlanta to donate a total amount not to exceed $10,000 to the Atlanta Legal Aid Society to support the Gender-Affirming Name Change Project Partnership (23-R-3530).
• A resolution authorizing the City of Atlanta to donate a total amount not to exceed $20,000 to Black Emotional and Mental Health Collective to provide up to 25 scholarships for Black mental health and healing justice peer support training for Atlanta transgender and gender expansive youth (23-R-3531).
• A resolution authorizing the City of Atlanta to donate a total amount not to exceed $25,000 to Destination Tomorrow Atlanta to support a LGBTQ+ youth mentoring pilot program in Atlanta (23-R-3532).
• A resolution expressing the Atlanta City Council’s support for the 118th Congress’ House Resolution 1499 and Senate Resolution 753, the Good Jobs for Good Airports Act, which seeks to require small, medium, and large hub airports to certify that airport service workers are paid the prevailing wage and provided fringe benefits.
Proclamations and recognitions will be presented in honor of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity Inc.’s 103rd Chapter Anniversary, Fred Khalil, and National Public Works Week.
The Council’s Committee Chairs briefing will be held at 9:30 a.m. in the Council Chamber. The Committee on Council will convene in Committee Room №1 at 11 a.m. The full Council meeting will be held at 1 p.m. in the Council Chamber.
The meeting will be simulcast on the Council’s website, YouTube channel, Facebook and Twitter pages, and Channel 26. Closed captioning will be available on the Council’s Facebook page.