Council holds organizational meeting, introduces legislative items

Several items were introduced during Monday’s organizational meeting of the Council to be considered in committee next week, including:
• A resolution establishing a Buckhead Public Safety Task Force to partner with Buckhead business and neighborhood associations, law enforcement agencies and appropriate governmental entities to develop and implement a comprehensive plan to deter crime and enhance public safety in Buckhead neighborhoods, business districts and commercial corridors.
• An ordinance to amend the 1982 City of Atlanta zoning ordinance, as amended, (part 16 of the land development code), to create Chapter 43, the supplemental short-term rental restriction overlay district.
• A resolution requesting the chief operating officer and the Atlanta Department of Transportation present an account and reconciliation of infrastructure bond and TSPLOST projects against the current project list at the first meeting in February 2022 of the Council’s Transportation Committee.
• An ordinance ratifying the City of Atlanta’s acceptance of a donation of pro-bono professional services performed by Ernst and Young in support of the mayoral transition, from the Metro Atlanta Chamber and authorizing the mayor or his designee on behalf of the City to enter into any necessary agreements in connection with the donation of these services.
• An ordinance to temporarily suspend the issuance of violations, citations and/or penalties as prescribed in Section 10–109 (a) and 10–109.1 of the Atlanta City Code of Ordinances for the failure to renew a license to sell alcoholic beverages by Jan. 1, 2022 for the 2022 license calendar year.
• An ordinance to amend the 1982 City of Atlanta Zoning Ordinance, as amended, (Part 16 of the Land Development Code), to create Chapter 43 Campbellton Road Overlay.
• A resolution to appoint Council member Alex Wan as a replacement for former Council member Jennifer N. Ide to serve as a member of the Alcohol Technical Advisory Group III (ATAG) for the duration of its existence.
Also, District 7 Council member Howard Shook was selected as pro tempore of the Council.