Atlanta City Council to consider
legislation to enhance greenspace,
manage nature reserve

Atlanta City Council
2 min readApr 15, 2024


District 9 Atlanta City Council member Dustin Hillis

ATLANTA — The Atlanta City Council will consider a resolution authorizing the Department of Parks and Recreation to enter into a Project Management Agreement for $6.5 million with the PATH Foundation, Inc. to start the first segment of the Atlanta Riverlands Project to create a one-mile linear river park trail (24-R-3370).

Other items on the agenda include:
• An ordinance authorizing a cooperative partnership between the city and the nonprofit Blue Heron Nature Preserve (BHNP). The City owns a parcel of land dedicated to the Department of Watershed Management and seeks to have BHNP refurbish, enhance, and maintain this parcel’s natural environment (24-O-1147).

• An ordinance waiving the Competitive Source Selection and Contract Formation requirements to authorize any agreements and/or contracts necessary to host the 2024 Senior Ball scheduled for Sept. 7. The legislation also enables the city to collect donations not to exceed $300,000 (24-O-1148).

• An ordinance authorizing the City and Fulton County Recreation Authority to issue revenue bonds for the design, acquisition, construction, installation, and equipping of golf and senior center facilities and related improvements at John A. White Park (24-O-1152).

• An ordinance authorizing a $2,500 donation to Athena’s Warehouse, an Atlanta-based nonprofit dedicated to educating, inspiring, and empowering (24-O-1155).

• An ordinance authorizing a $5,000 donation to Propel Atlanta, whose mission is to make Atlanta streets more inclusive, thriving, and safe for pedestrians, bicyclists, and all residents (24-O-1156).

The City Council will present proclamations and recognitions in honor of the Clark Atlanta University Men’s Basketball team for winning the 2024 SIAC Men’s Basketball Tournament Championship and renowned fine artist and art director Dr. Lee Ransaw.

