Atlanta City Council to consider
IGA to perform reviews of projects receiving federal financial assistance

ATLANTA — On Monday, the Atlanta City Council will consider a resolution to enter into an intergovernmental agreement between the City of Atlanta and the Housing Authority to perform environmental reviews for projects and activities that receive federal financial assistance as required by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (24-R-3110).
Other items on the agenda include:
• A resolution to enter a memorandum between the City of Atlanta and Hosea Feed the Hungry and Homeless, Inc. for the performance of an environmental review for the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Economic Development Initiative Community Project Funding for the proposed Forrest Hills Drive warehouse plan and reimbursement for all costs associated with the environmental review (24-R-3111).
• An ordinance authorizing a $7,000 donation to Our House to help provide transformative care to families experiencing homelessness (24-O-1033).
• An ordinance amending the Beltline Overlay and District Regulations in the Land Development Code to remove minimum parking requirements within the Beltline Overlay District (24-O-1003).
The City Council will present proclamations and recognitions in honor of Arbor Day, Aniah Buchanan, Carrington Manous, and Dae’Shawn Shelton.